Saturday, October 31, 2009


It's been a bit of a slow start to the wings. Tad dropped the parts off a few weeks ago after we inventoried everything. We were only missing one small bag of parts which Van's shipped out without any problems.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been cleaning up the Ribs and Rear Spars and doublers. It is a lot of repetition but it needs to be done. So while we haven't had many building sessions I've been in the shop every couple of days doing a bit of work.

Tad stopped by yesterday night and I showed him the work so far on the wings. We spent the rest of the time planning out a few details on what we want in the plane and then got all the main ribs fluted.
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

Friday, October 30, 2009

Emp. is Finished for now.

We have closed all the trailing edges on the tail section and they have turned out pretty good. It has taken us 148.5hrs. to get that far on the Tail Kit.

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build