Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rudder Progress...

Well, we are still working on the RV... just been a little slow lately because of work mainly. Both Tad and I have been pretty busy but that is a good thing because we are raising $$$ for the next part of the project. WINGS! That will be expensive and the way the exchange is looking, it isn't getting better.
So, we have most of the Rudder ready for inspection...just have a few rivets to get right near the trailing edge of the top rib. Tad is making us a nice custom bucking bar for that.
Folks, you should see Tad's custom tooling he's done already. We had to Dimple a bigger hole for the counter-weight and didn't have one. Tad majically arrived at the next building session with a beautiful dimple die he made at his shop. I was pretty impressed with that and of course it did a perfect dimple! Way to go Tad!
A good airplane building partner is a rare thing i think.

Tad made a nice Back-riveting plate...
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

and of course our modification to reach some particularly difficult rivets!

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build