Saturday, December 12, 2009

Countersinking Wings

Through the past week or so I've been working away on getting the countersink holes done on both wings for the nut-plates. Here is a test of ONE of the different methods i tried. I ended up using a slightly modified one. This is basically a test to keep the #8 hole concentric.
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

Here is a pic of the way i ended up doing it...
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

For the #40 rivet holes, they were pretty straight forward and just took time to do. I believe there is about 248 of those.
The 'painters tape' is to prevent chips falling between the doubler and the spar. They are difficult to get out if they get in there.
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

The #8 countersinks were a little more tricky... i read numerous accounts on how other had done these. Luckily Tad had a #21 cutter so in the end after trying different methods(using the #30 cutter with nut-plate attached), we settled on using a thick piece of wood cut down to act as a pilot guide for the bit. This method worked really well and i now have the left wing complete now minus the #6 access plate holes. I'll do those this coming week.
From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

From Pete and Tad's RV-9a Build

Next i will prime those countersunk holes to prevent any corrosion from happening. Tad dropped off the required materials for that. Things are getting close to getting some rivets in now. I hope to have some of that happening when Tad and I have a few days off over Christmas.