Thursday, July 2, 2009

Inspection Tomorrow

Well, i received a call this afternoon from our MDRA inspector and he is planning to come tomorrow to do our inspection.
This is great news as he is planning on vacation for a few weeks and is managing to get us in before he leaves. That will enable us to finish off our tail section and prepare for the wings to arrive!

Next posts should be closing up the tail sections!


llavalle said...


Let me know how this goes(what is the guy looking for, how much time does it take, etc, etc).

PeteLeibel said...

This inspection took about 2.5 hrs and he was pretty thorough. Documenting every section and labeling it as well. We discussed primer, building techniques, shop area, tools we used, plans and documentation from Van's Aircraft.
He is a retired air-force mechanic so just looking at the rivets he can tell whether they're good. he checked with mirrors too on the not so obvious places!
in the end he was impressed and didn't find one rivet that needed to be pulled and redone.